How to sync the CASEpeer calendar with your personal calendar:
- Navigate to the Icon in the top right corner of the account and select Profile Settings.
- A pop-up window will appear with Profile Settings.
- Click the Link Calendar button towards the bottom of the pop-up window.
- You will be redirected to a different webpage.
- Select the calendar service.
- Log in to the calendar service as you normally would with your credentials.
- Select I agree.
- You will be redirected to a Thank You/Confirmation page in CASEpeer.
- Here's how to manage what types of events sync over to your personal calendar.
- NOTE: Events must originate in your CASEpeer calendar, an event added to the synced calendar will not be reflected in CASEpeer. The Calendar API does not have the ability to link events to cases. If an event is edited or deleted from the synced calendar, the change will be reflected on the CASEpeer calendar.
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