How to send Quick Bills to your clients using the LawPay integration.
- Navigate to the LawPay Quick Bills Tab of a case.
- Select Create Quick Bill.
- Input the bill information.
NOTE: The client's email address must be entered on the Client Tab of the case in order for LawPay to send invoices.
- The subject field will be the subject line of your email and the message field will be the content of your email.
- The description field is internal and will only be seen on your end.
- The reference field will also be visible to the client.
- Once you have input all the billing information, click Create.
- This will automatically create this bill in LawPay and email your client telling them there is a bill that needs their attention.
- An auto-note will be created.
- Sent bills will populate the LawPay Quick Bills Tab and show the status of each bill in the Status Column.
Reference the LawPay Quick Bills Management Screen to track the status of your firm's Quick Bills.
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