How to look up a case with predictive search, results which will show all cases with an open case status. To view cases regardless of status, click the magnifying glass next to the search bar.
- Use the search field in the black bar at the top of every CASEpeer page.
- If you know the client’s first or last name, nickname, date of loss or part of the client’s name, type it in the search bar.
- The dropdown will populate potential cases based on your search criteria.
- Hover over the case you want to access with your mouse or arrow keys and hit enter on your keyboard or click the case to open it.
- Alternatively, hit enter on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass after typing in your search criteria to view full search results.
- The search will return all cases that match your entries.
- NOTE: You can search for partial names. For example, if you know a client’s first name starts with Al and the last name starts with Jo, you can search “Al Jo” and all clients with matches at the start of their first or last names will come up.
Learn more about searching for a client with Advanced Case Search.
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