How to trigger an export of all your cases from CASEpeer.
NOTE: This can only be requested by someone with the Export Data Page Access permission.
Request an export of all your firm’s case data by emailing
The email associated with your CASEpeer account will receive an email from CASEpeer with the subject Your CASEpeer data export is available. This process may take a few minutes.
- Click the link in the body of the email.
- You will be redirected to your CASEpeer account, you must be logged into the account the export was triggered for security purposes.
- On the Export Firm Data page, click Launch Export.
- The page will then look like this:
- Once the launch is finished, you will receive an email with the subject line Your CASEpeer data export is ready to download!
- Click the link in the body of the email.
- You will be redirected to your CASEpeer account, on the Export Firm Data page, click Download.
- Your browser will download a zip file containing your firm’s data.
- NOTE: This export only contains case data. Documents, photos, and recordings need to be requested separately by emailing
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