Intake Management provides an overview to manage cases in the Intake or Intake Review status. Click on the column headers to sort the cases by Case Name, Intake Date, Last Touched Date, etc. This is a great report for Intake Workers to bookmark.
There are four tabs on this screen:
- Intake: All cases in Intake or Intake Review status
- Signing: All cases with an investigator assigned
- Retained This Month: All cases retained for the month
- Retained This Year: All cases retained for the year
The Signing Tab is a great tool to keep track of cases that have an investigator assigned and are awaiting the signed contracts.
This screen can be filtered by Intake Worker to manage all of your cases. Click on the dropdown arrow aligned with a case to Add Note, Add Task, Edit Assignments, View Case Details, Send E-Signature Request, or Reject Cases. This is a quick and easy way to send client contracts to sign via DropboxSign.
NOTE: If you do not see all the columns mentioned above, please adjust the zoom on the browser or scroll to the right.
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