Once your firm has activated the Soluno Integration, you will be able to manage costs through the Costs Management page. Here is how to send a cost to Soluno.
- Navigate to the left-hand side menu and click on the Management Tab.
- Select Costs from the dropdown options.
- Choose the cost you want to send to Soluno from the Open Costs Tab.
- Make sure the cost has been Connected to a Soluno Contact.
- Confirm the Soluno Contact column has a green dot for the cost.
- Select the dropdown menu to the far right of the selected cost and click Send to Soluno.
- A Send Check To Soluno pop-up will appear
- Select the bank account and click Confirm.
- The cost has been sent to Soluno and the cost will now appear in the Pending Costs Tab of CASEpeer.
- The Cost will now appear in Soluno in the Batch Check Print Tab.
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