NOTE: Template management is permissions-based. Only users with the Document Template Upload Center Page Access can manage templates.
Templates only need to be uploaded once and will be able to be generated from the relevant tab in each case file.
CASEpeer provides an extensive list of Keywords that can be plugged into documents to pull relevant information from the case into the letter. Below are the steps to take to draft your first template.
- Choose the letter the firm would like to use as a template (the above is an example of a welcome letter drafted using Keywords)
- Click on the
Icon on the top right-hand side of the screen
- Select Templates from the menu.
- The Template Management Page will load.
- Click on Keywords on the right-hand side
- The Keywords Page will open in a new tab.
This is where the firm can find a list of keywords that will be used to draft each template.
- Open the letter in Microsoft Word and have the Keywords Page open in the browser. Templates must be a docx file to upload to CASEpeer.
- Replace items in each letter with the appropriate keywords.
- For example, John William Smith would be replaced with the {{ client_full_name }} keyword.
- There are keywords for dates, demographics of clients, demographics of defendants, as well as adjuster information, and much more.
- Search through the keywords using the Search Bar found at the top of the page.
- Using Control + F (on PC) or Command + F (on Mac) can also serve as a secondary filter for ease of search.
Now upload template and test it out! Here is how to upload templates.
Watch our Beginning and Advanced Template Webinars.
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