How to pause automated tasks. This can be helpful if you'd like to hold off on applying tasks while working on a CASEplan or if you want to disable a task without deleting it.
Pause All CASEplan Tasks
- Navigate to the Icon in the top right corner of your account and select CASEplan.
- Click Pause All on the right-hand side of the screen.
- The green dots to the left of the tasks are now grey.
- These tasks will not be applied to cases until they are Activated.
Pause CASEplan Tasks by Status or Case Type
- Sort by case status and or case type and click Update.
- Select Pause All.
- The green dots to the left of the task you selected are now grey.
- These tasks will not be applied until they are Activated.
Pause CASEplan Tasks Individually
- Click the grey dropdown arrow to the right of the task you'd like to suspend.
- Select Pause.
- The green dot to the left of the task is now grey.
- This task will not be applied until it is Activated.
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