How to sync your OneDrive account with CASEpeer.
NOTE: These are the steps for activating OneDrive Personal accounts. To activate OneDrive Business, follow these steps. Only OneDrive OR DropBox can be activated at once. Sharepoint is not compatible with the integration.
- Navigate to the
Icon in the top right corner of your account and select Account Settings.
Scroll down to Integrations.
Under OneDrive, click the Activate button.
- Select OneDrive or OneDrive Business.
Log in with the admin account credentials.
- OneDrive will redirect you back to CASEpeer to set up the OneDrive root folder by creating a new folder or selecting a pre-existing folder.
Pre-existing Folder
- A pop-up window will appear, use the drop-down menu to search and select the existing OneDrive folder for the firm.
Click Save.
Create a New Folder
- To create a new folder, click New Folder Name.
- Click Save.
- OneDrive is now activated to your CASEpeer account.
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