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Email Integration
Add the CASEpeer Add-In to Your Outlook Email
Attach Documents and Photos From an Email to a Case
Attach an Email to a Case
Attach an Email to Linked Cases
Attach an Incoming Email to a Case
Log an Email with the Outlook Add-in
See all 11 articles
MailChimp Integration
Get Started with MailChimp
Activate the Mailchimp Integration
Change Your API Key or Username in Mailchimp
Manage Mailchimp Lists
Update a Client's Email When using the MailChimp Integration?
Email FAQs
Is GoDaddy compatible with calendar sync or saving emails?
Email Notifications Troubleshooting
What Happens if a Client Responds to an Email that was Sent Using the Case Specific BCC Code?
How does work?
Why Does Nothing Happen When I Click an Email on a Case?
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